Fall 2022
Michael Sans, Uli Shafmeister & Moritz Anton, Magdalena Paluch, Rob Ball, Nik Hafermaas, Ming Tai & Allison Goodman
Illustration and Hoffmitz Milken Center for Typography (HMCT)
Strong tradition and rich heritage are inextricably linked in Germany. How do we retain these important values in brands while adapting – and innovating – for future brand success?
Students engaged in 3 different workshops for Fall 2022, each looking at the changing attitudes toward tradition and heritage for existing and future brands as new markets emerge locally, nationally, globally.
Tapping into the deep experience and leadership of our ArtCenter alumnae working in Germany, each 3-week workshop was led by alums based here, supported by ArtCenter Berlin and Pasadena faculty.
Workshop #1 / Re-invent: Craftsmanship
with Michael Sans
How do we re-invent ways we work with traditional German crafts to identify new interpretations of craft product and processes as well as new market opportunities that will ensure a craft’s longevity while respecting its heritage?
Workshop #2 / Re-imagine: Customization and “Bespokability”
with Uli Schafmeister and Moritz Anton
How can we re-imagine the future of a global heritage brand, grounded in tradition, by breaking open the box to non-traditional, bespoke, and audacious ideas translated through experiential storytelling and future scenarios?
Workshop #3 / Re-boot: Time and Ritual
with Magdalena Paluch
Finally, how might we reboot the way we view the rituals and traditions of German work life, through science, to achieve the ultimate live / work balance particularly in a post-pandemic world?