The Bauhaus at 100

Fall 2019


Fall 2019


Ming Tai, James Chu, Todd Masilko, Rob Ball, Eunji Park


The Bauhaus school in Germany (1919 – 1933) bridged the gap between art and industry, design and functionality. It brought together artists, craftsmen, architects and designers to engage in a dynamic conversation about the nature of art in the age of technology. The 100th anniversary of this storied school inspired many projects to re-visit its rich history and guiding principles that made it so impactful.

For ArtCenter designers, especially graphic designers, environment, industrial and interaction designers, it remains one of the most influential and prominent schools of thought we follow in understanding the building principles of 2D, 3D and now - virtual design. How can Bauhaus ideas resonate today by our interpreting simple, efficient and sustainable design successfully delivered with maximum impact through objects, communication and technology?

14 students explored these ideas through multi-disciplinary teams, just as a Bauhaus studio might function, leveraging the talents of each other to build new and unexpected ideas toward powerful solutions.

After visiting the original Bauhaus school in Dessau and other Bauhaus themed exhibits that commemorated the 100thanniversary in Berlin, students ideated on different visions of what the making of the future home or “heimat” might look like.

How do we improve interactions in everyday life for these individuals or new communities? How do we connect them to ‘home’ in a meaningful way?

How does technology play a role in a city like Berlin that embraces human centric balance and values?

Students were asked not to design a home but to look at engagement; perhaps a space within a space with several touchpoints that might include a platform, services, products, campaigns, interactive devices, that are both virtual and physical.

Their guide to designing the new ‘heimat’ were Bauhaus principles inspired by multi-disciplines that adhered to a Bauhaus ethos:

Unity, Experimentation, Objectivity, Functionalism

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